
  1. 產品驗證簡介(Brief view of product certification) ( pdf檔下載 )
  2. 產品驗證申請須知(Application notice of product certification) ( pdf檔下載 )
  3. 申請產品驗證登錄應檢附文件(含產品驗證申請書)(Note for Attachment to Application for Product Certification)(including Application Form for the Registration of product certification) ( pdf檔下載 ) ( word檔下載 )
  4. 符合型式聲明書(Declaration of Conformity to Type) ( pdf檔下載 ) ( word檔下載 )
  5. MIRDC 產品驗證認可登錄標誌使用規範( Usage Restriction for Registration mark of MIRDC Product Certification) ( pdf檔下載 )
  6. 產品驗證權利義務規章(Right & obligation of Product Certification) ( pdf檔下載 )
  7. 相關法規清單(Relative Regulations) ( pdf檔下載 )
  8. RoHS產品驗證申請書(Application Form for the RoHS Product Certification) ( pdf檔下載 ) ( word檔下載 )
  9. 航空工業標準件產品驗證申請書(Application form for the Standard Product Certification) ( pdf檔下載 ) ( word檔下載 )
  10. 金屬中心獲得TAF認證證書


驗證組 林雪娥 shirley@mail.mirdc.org.tw
TEL : 07-3517161 分機:6462
FAX : 07-3523096